Friday, February 7, 2020

Journalism, Mass Media and Communication Coursework

Journalism, Mass Media and Communication - Coursework Example The Press Association, under this Ministry broke the story. This is the department which is responsible over the evening papers regarding the ministry. As a result of the integration in the communication industry, the story builds up thus reaching the masses. In reference with Sally Grimes, a Stringer from Rome, it is evident that Alicia Beddi, the alleged, argued that the British government Minister Riskitt left her flat in the Via Venuto. This is a report collected by the Sunday Watchdog. She also adds in the report that the minister is living with some friends some distance from Rome (Kovach and Rosenstiel 2009).With an aim to honour his position in the government, Robin Bland, a staff reports that the minister reassigned from the government. His wife Sally also promises to back the husband in his defence against the allegation. The minister claims that he resigned to stand a firm position to defend the allegation. His popular figure in the Old Town, resulting from his mother†™s achievements also pushes him to clean his name under the affair allegations. Jas Patel, Blacktown correspondent strongly backs the Minister’s innocence. She claims that the MP has been a faithful member in service of his people. This was at a press conference at the MP’s constituency. Mrs. Lorna the regional Chairperson also argues that is a national disgrace that the newspaper has made such publications alleging the misconduct by the MP. She states that she is convinced that the MP has answers to the allegations.

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